Facebook Group

Solo Female Travelers is a rapidly growing Facebook Group, of more than 272,000 members. Ours is a highly active and engaged group space, and our members form a rich multicultural patchwork from over 100 different countries.

Despite a huge cross section of age, nationality, ethnicity, and travel experience, we all proudly unite behind a shared love of solo female travel. Our community thrives on a diverse range of world views, perceptions, and opinions, and this is a supportive and empowering space where womxn from all walks of life can come for inspiration, travel advice, safety tips, to robustly discuss current issues, to share stories and experiences, and to connect with other fearless females.

Does this sound like you? We would LOVE for you to join us too!

This is a FREE Facebook group, open to any female who loves solo travel, or who are desperately dreaming to start. We have a wide range of experienced travelers, as well as those who have yet to take their first trip, so regardless of whether you’re a pro, or have always wanted to travel on your own, but have been held back by fears and anxiety, we openly welcome you!

We specifically use the word womxn within our space, as an inclusive term to welcome all those who identify as female, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, beliefs, sexuality, or other minority. Our club is a safe space where your gender will be respected, your pronouns used correctly, and where every voice is considered with equal weight. 

You’ll be prompted to answer three membership questions when you request to join, and we need you to fill these out to be accepted into the group. They’re pretty easy though! This is what you’ll be asked:

  1. This group is for women. Are you a woman (or identify as one)?
  2. We send monthly emails with destination spotlights, tips and inspiration from the community. Write your email to be added.
  3. Have you traveled alone before?

Find Travel Buddies in our Connections Subgroup!

Solo Female Travelers Connection

We’re all for solo travel, and we encourage everyone to try it at least once, especially women (warning: it’s addictive!).

But we also recognize that there is immense learning and perspective to be earned from finding a travel buddy with similar interests, or in making new friends for travel. Such connections are made in our community every day.

Travel buddies can make a trip better through shared experiences, making some parts of that solo trip all the more memorable. Deep connections are often built when we are on vacation somewhere far away from home, and that traveler you met in Antigua and with whom you went on a 2 day volcano hike could end up being one of your best friends. Making meaningful connections with people is one of the most important benefits of travel.

Join our Connections subgroup – a space for members to connect with other female travelers in real life to hang out, travel together, and find free accommodation options (ie house swap, house-sit, or hosting).

Testimonials From Our Members

Haley Langstine

I just want to say first that this group is exactly what I’ve been needing, and didn’t know! Sometimes, it gets lonely when other friends and family can’t relate to your need to explore and experience new cultures, so thank you ladies for finally making me feel like I fit in somewhere!

Kris Klein

Solo Female Travelers provides a sense of community- you’re never really alone anywhere in the world. You have access to helpful advice and support through a tribe of strong, empowered women! I look forward to being on the other side of the world one day and meeting fellow Solo Female Travelers in person.

Najat Hussien 

This group not only inspires me, it also enriches me with information about how to behave in certain situations I might face during travel, and it is a valuable resource for information about different destinations.

The greatest advantage of being part of the group are the new friends from all around the world.

Julie Nguyễn-Prior

What I love most about this group is the sense of community, the respect and support for one another, not to mention the knowledge from all these beautiful fearless ladies when it comes to travel related topics.

You guys are the best!

Fion Fayzard 

You girls show me the courage to walk and explore this world. It is fascinating to read everyone’s different stories, I feel so fortunate to see many different parts of the world through your eyes.

I am so thankful to be a member of this group. You girls teach me to be brave.

Ola Abbas

While in Tokyo I ran into another solo traveler who introduced me to this group. That’s when I had one of my big ah-a moments in life, that’s how its done! I have been inspired, moved, encouraged and proud to be part of the group. The information is so useful, the pep talk so lifting and the virtual company so valuable.

Hoping to meet some (better yet all) of you on upcoming travels. Stay traveling ladies, stay safe and keep shining.

Michelle B

My husband says I am in this group every 20 seconds and that he can’t stand it anymore! We argued and he told me to choose between him or the group.

I am going to be offline for a couple of minutes while I pack his bags, and call him a taxi!

I’ll be right back …

Holly Watson

I love this group – not only does it inspire me, I also get to converse and share experiences with likeminded ladies who love to travel solo. With every question I’ve had there has always been friendly and helpful advice. We all look out for one another!

Like most group members the best thing about this group is making new friends from all over the globe.

Eilís O’Connell

I love this group! Not only does it inspire me to travel to different places it is also a sense of security for when I’m on my trips as there is a constant source of support and information!

It’s great to help to prepare for a trip and feel supported every step of the way. It’s great to have a sense of community of like minded women ❤️❤️

Morgan Smith

This group has inspired me to step outside my comfort zone, and be the strong independent woman I am. I think a lot of people make you fear going out alone, especially as a woman in another country. But here, it’s all positivity, confidence, and fearlessness. 

This group is important to me because I know I have somewhere to go to ask for honest advice and inspiration. Always thankful for all the helpful tips, tricks, and recommendations I never would’ve found on google. ?

Mose Shirley Khubedu 

I’m a girl on the other side of her mid-twenties. I was saving up experiences to go at them with a partner. But my bucket list got longer and longer and I was not meeting this man. I was miserable with little to keep me motivated. That was until I came across this group!

I read stories and shared in on experiences with amazing women. I got the push to travel solo, and that’s what I’ve been doing and I’m so much happier for it!

Thank you to this incredible community of sisters for helping me find my wings! ❤️

Apryl Holiday

Solo Female Travelers is the only reason I still have a Facebook account! I love the community that this group has created and how inspiring all of the women are. I always thought it was an unobtainable goal to travel solo because I never personally knew any one who had done it before, and now I have such a huge pool of women to get advice and recommendations from.

I love this group!!