Press and media coverage

On this page you will find our press releases, media coverage, white papers, and speaking engagements.

Contact us if we can be a source for an upcoming article / feature on Solo Female Travel. We are happy to provide quotes, interviews, and data points to assist with your story. Like-wise, both Mar and Meg are experienced public speakers, and would be happy to discuss speaking at your upcoming event.

TV Appearances & Interviews

Solo Female Travelers co-founders have appeared as experts on various TV programs.

BBC Talking Business – The Rise of Solo Female Travelers – Meg Jerrard talks to Mark Lobel on the growing popularity of solo female travel and the success of women only tour groups.

What’s behind the explosion of solo travel? – Mar Pages speaks to John Matarese about solo travel being one of the hottest travel trends of 2024. Segment aired on 65 local TV stations in the US.

Media coverage

We have been featured by media publications and platforms from across the world.

University Press Catch Flights not frights: Guide for solo female travelers

TTG Media How to encourage more women to travel solo in 2025

HuffPost Amazing destinations for a last minute solo trip

Black Enterprise Black woman sews AirTag to her braids for her solo vacation to Mexico

Facebook (Meta)2021 Facebook Community Accelerator Wraps Up with Additional Funding for Select Recipients

Her campus Why we need to stop stigmatizing female solo travel

EliteDaily These 10 solo travel hookup stories are actually beyond wild

ForbesSolo Female Travel survey seeks 10,000 responses

Morning brewEat, pray, spend

Smart Travel News Mar Pagès, Solo Female Travelers: “La confianza es crítica en un ambiente de trabajo” (in Spanish)

The San Diego Union-TribuneSolo women, millennials find camaraderie in group tours

Kated Travel Podcast Episode 132 – Solo Female Travel with Meg Jerrard

PanionEmpowering female communities

Jennifer CassetaBest self defense tools every woman should own

Thrive GlobalTools for working remotely

Every Country in the World – The Favorites of Megan Jerrard

Unorthodox TravelAre you a woman travelling solo? You’re not alone

Owl guruWhat’s it like to be a travel blogger

Billion SuccessGrowing a travel community when borders are closed

AOLTop 8 Money-Saving Tips for Traveling During Shoulder Season

ViaEmpresaEllas viajan, ellas deciden

The Story ExchangeThey Are Avid Travelers Bringing Like-Minded Women Together

AARAAR Smart guide for solo travel

iNewsSolo van life is booming. Being a silver motorhomer has transformed my life

Travel PulseThe Safest Cities and Countries for Women To Travel Alone

Niche PursuitsHow Mar Pages built a 7-figure travel business empowering women

Life lovers magazineHow Facebook Groups are helping women travel safely

ChargeHorizonsFull of curiosity and looking for adventures? – The history and future of Solo Female Travel

Global Rescue5 Safety tips for solo women travelers

Case StudySolo Female Travelers – Creating Tourism Opportunities for Female Travelers and Entrepreneurs

Smart Travel NewsSolo Female Travelers, la plataforma que empodera a mujeres de todo el mundo a viajar solas (in Spanish)

Web in travelSolo Female Travelers chomping at the bit to travel – Greece tops bucket list

Travel Agent CentralStats: 68% Of Solo Female Travelers Seek Cultural Immersion

Authority MagazineHow to communicate with your team effectively even if you are rarely in the same physical space

Women we watch podcast – Listen on Spotify

AMEX EssentialsChristmas, but different

CardRatesPrioritizing Safety, Solo Female Travelers Continues to Build Its Community Through Curated Group Trips

Research papers

Current Issues in Tourism: “Going solo during the pandemic: a generational segmentation of solo female travellers”

Our annual Solo Female Travel Survey was used as the basis for a joint research paper written by our Co-Founder Mar Pages in conjunction with tourism experts Marisol Alonso-Vazquez, Elaine Chiao Ling Yang, Catheryn Khoo.

Detailed report.

Speaking engagements

“Empowerment of women in tourism in Asia and the Pacific” by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Our Co-Founder Mar Pages has been invited to participate in this UNWTO conference.

She will share her perspective from personal experience and will have interesting discussions on the topic. She is eager to see more women join the ranks of leadership in tourism in the region and across the world.

Web in travel: Travel roadshow Episode 5 – How to turn revenge travel into beautiful travel

Our Co-Founder Mar Pages participated in a panel with:

  • Laurent Kuenzle, CEO of Asian Trails, and
  • Nuno Guerreiro, Regional Director, South Asia, Oceania & Chains, 

Tas Social Group

Our Co-Founder Meg Jerrard spoke at Tas Social Group event about how female entrepreneurs could harness social media for a powerful impact on small business.

Image by

Tas Social Group Speech by (13)

Facebook Forward Together

Our Co-Founder Mar was interviewed on Facebook’s Forward Together series for International Women’s Day 2022 on the impact the community has had and the plans and wishes for the future.

Eurecat Forum TurisTIC

Our Co-Founder Mar participated in Eurecat’s Forum TurisTIC panel discussion on “The use and impact of social networks on tourism” in Barcelona.

The full session can be watched on YouTube here.

Press releases

All of our press releases may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used by any means of social media sharing. They are for immediate worldwide release unless otherwise stated. For interviews, additional quotes, or more information, contact [email protected].

Click on the image below to read the press release.

2023 Press Releases

The top 10 cities in Europe for foodies, according to new research  

New research has discovered the top 10 cities in Europe for foodies, with Paris taking the top spot.  

10,000 Travel Industry Professionals Read the Solo Female Travel Trends Survey Every Year, Learning What Women Want

The fourth annual Solo Female Travel Trends Survey has launched, to continue giving women who travel on their own a voice in the travel industry. 10,000 industry professionals read the results every year to better understand what solo women want.

2022 Press Releases

Afghanistan’s first female guide joins Solo Female Travelers

Solo Female Travelers expands its content and community management team to include Afghanistan’s first female guide as interest in women-only group travel grows by 50%. 

2021 Solo Female Travel Survey: Changing COVID Restrictions more Important than Safety

The 2021 Solo Female Travel Survey results are published on 2022 International Women’s Day and highlight solo female travel is rebounding and here to stay. The effects of the pandemic are still present but wants, needs and challenges of women traveling solo remain consistent.

Pioneer Sex-Ed & Erotic Development Tour for Women

Solo Female Travelers launches the world’s first Sex-ed & Erotic Development tour for women. The tour includes 10 hours of expertly-led workshops in self-love, sexuality, and sexual health weaved into a gastronomy and culture-filled week in Barcelona.

2023 will be the year of solo female travel, research seeks to confirm

Solo Female Travelers launches its third annual survey on travel trends and expects to confirm that COVID related barriers to travel are behind us and interest in traveling solo is higher than ever.

Solo Female Travelers Safety Index referenced by US State Dept. travel advisories

US State Department Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) country security reports now reference the safety score for women traveling on their own compiled by Solo Female Travelers in their Safety Index.

Women Tour Company Launches Trip Focused on Self Defense

Solo Female Travelers expands portfolio of learning-based tours with an Iceland itinerary that includes self-defense workshops delivered by local NGO. 

2021 Press Releases

Solo female travel in a post-pandemic world

The Solo Female Travel Trends Survey 2021 launches today with the objective to continue giving women who travel on their own a voice in the travel industry and understand the impact the pandemic had on travel behaviors and needs. 

Women Helping Women Reach the Top

As travel returns, women favor intimate group trips to bucket list destinations with a purpose. In honor of International Women’s Day 2022 and in collaboration with the Tanzania Women Guide Foundation, Solo Female Travelers will take women to the top of Africa on an all-female guide, porter and trekker team.

Solo Female Travel Survey: 73% of Women Worry About Safety, 23% Distrust Influencers.

The first of three instalments from the 2020 Solo Female Travel Trends Survey reveals that women travel solo for many reasons, indisputably worry about safety, trust others like them but distrust influencers. To address the safety challenge, Solo Female Travelers launched a women-only Safety Index and Empowerful, the first Solo Female Travel Safety, Wellness and Sexual Wellbeing Festival.

What women traveling solo want is not shopping or pictures for the gram but culture, beauty and nature.

The second round of results from the 2020 Solo Female Travel Trends Survey released on International Women’s Day reveals that solo female travelers dream of going to Greece, Japan, Australia and Italy, pick a destination based on culture, safety and nature and are not interested in shopping or Instagram worthy shots. 5,000 female respondents urge the travel industry to stop using outdated and irrelevant stereotypes of what women like to do when traveling solo.

2020 Press Releases

Meet Audrey, The World’s Most Well Traveled Woman

Audrey Walsworth is one of only 3 women to have visited every country and territory in the world. Her 50 year journey to becoming the world’s most well traveled woman is told in an exciting 6 minute video produced by Solo Female Travelers Club

The World’s First Community of Solo Female Travelers Turns 5, Gives Away $10,000 in Travel Prizes

Founded to empower women from all over the world to travel solo, Solo Female Travelers was one of the first global communities of its kind, and on July 17 2020 it turns 5.

In celebration, co-founders Mar Pages of Once in a Lifetime Journey and Meg Jerrard of Mapping Megan are partnering with their favorite brands to give away more than $10,000 in travel experiences and prizes.

Audrey Walsworth

Female Travel Founders Seek to Impact Industry with Largest Survey of its Kind

Two female travel companies, Solo Female Travelers and SheFari, have partnered to launch the largest-scale global survey ever conducted for the solo female travel niche. 

The brands have created two online questionnaires: one for women who have traveled solo, and one for those who have not, which will be open to global participants from November 18 until December 9, 2020 and aim to collect 10,000 responses.