2023 Solo Female Travel Trends & Statistics

Every year, thousands of women take part in the annual Solo Female Travel Trends Survey, the largest, most comprehensive and only global research study on solo female travel statistics, trends, preferences and behaviors. On this page, you will find the most updated results from the 2023 results.

Solo female travelers should matter to your business

A 2019 non-gender specific study found that 76% of travelers had gone on a solo trip or were considering going. Among women, the interest is is growing exponentially.

Travel is important for many reasons and women know that. Searches for the term “solo female travel” increased 6 fold during the 4 years preceding the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic and recovered in 2022.

  • Women make the overwhelming majority of travel bookings, for themselves, for their families, for their parents, for their colleagues and for their friends, and represent 70% of the hotel website visits. They are the real travel influencers.
  • Building trust with women offers opportunities to connect at a deeper level with the decision maker in travel beyond the solo trip.

    A positive experience with a brand as a solo female traveler will open the doors to future bookings as a family, couple, group of friends or even for a business trip.
  • Women also occupy the majority of jobs in the travel industry, yet they make up only a small percentage of the executive positions.

    Male decision-makers in tourism cannot understand or relate to the challenges women traveling solo face resulting in the segment being neglected and underserved.
  • In communication campaigns, the travel narrative is mostly focused on couples and families and does not speak to the solo traveler, let alone the solo female traveler.

“Employ more women in executive roles at travel companies so they actually know what it’s like to travel as a woman. Without a seat at the table, decisions are made about us, not with us.”

This presents an enormous opportunity for savvy players to get to know us better and to offer products that understand our challenges. Brands and destinations that do so will take the lead and position themselves as the winners, at least in the short term.

Also on this page: Detailed statistics | Get tailored reports I How to better serve solo female travelers

Summary of Solo Female Travel Statistics

Before we dive deep, below are the key statistics from the 2022 Solo Female Travel Survey, in the next section you will find the detailed analysis.

1. Travel companions: 82% of solo travelers also travel with others; solo travel isn’t a lifestyle but a travel style suitable for some trips.

2. Interest in group travel: 53% are interested in group travel, 50% of those in female-only group travel.

3. Why do you travel solo: Women travel solo because they want to, not just because they have nobody to go with (53%). The main reasons are 1) Freedom and flexibility (87%), 2) Get away from routine and responsibilities (83%), 3) Relax, self-care and enjoy me-time (79%), 4) Challenge themselves (76%). This ranking holds for all age groups. More and more women are traveling as a way to transition after a life-changing event.

4. Solo female travel worries: Personal safety (65%), having to plan everything by themselves (59%), something bad happening (39%). Safety worries decrease from 75% to 53% for those with more than 10 solo trips. Experienced solo travelers worry most about the higher costs of not having someone to share a trip with (57%).

5. What stops you from traveling solo: Those who have never traveled on their own worry about safety (69%) and about higher costs (65%). 48% do not travel solo because they wouldn’t have someone to share the experience with. 24% of respondents would feel guilty leaving loved ones behind and 20% don’t travel solo because their husband or family are against it. 18% didn’t know solo travel was an option for them. 96% would be more likely to book a solo trip if joining a women-only tour, up from 68% in 2021.

6. Best destination for a first solo trip: Traveling within one own’s country is the best first solo travel experience (18%). Besides that, European countries (60%) are most recommended. The top destinations are UK, Spain, Italy, Thailand, and Portugal (new appearance on the list). Australia is no longer on the list, UK and Spain outrank Italy.

7. Whose recommendations do you trust: Women traveling solo trust the advice of solo female travel Facebook groups (76%), more than they trust their friends and family (70%) and Online review sites (68%), outranking Blogs from 2021 (62%). 32% of respondents distrust influencers, more than the travel brands who hire them (21%). Content creators are trusted less and distrusted more than in 2021.

8. Bucket list destinations: Most desired solo destinations are Iceland, Australia, Japan, Italy and Greece. Greece significantly dropped from the list in favor of the rest.

9. How do you choose a destination: Women look at a variety of aspects when choosing a destination. Cultural attractions (77%), Beauty of a destination (69%), Safety (67%), the Local cuisine (63%), Friendliness of the locals (59%), Good weather (58%) and the Country’s reputation (57%) are top decision factors. Having opportunities for Instagram shots, or speaking the language not important. Affordability of a destination is a decision factor for 55% of respondents. This is a combination of general affordability, single supplements and the lack of single traveler offers.

10. Activities: Cultural sightseeing and Immersion as well as Nature / wildlife are key activities for women traveling solo. Adventure activities, the beach and culinary activities are important to more than 50% of respondents.

11. Purchase decision factors: Price drives 60% of women when choosing a travel provider. Beyond price, 34% of women traveling solo think that a travel provider’s eco-friendliness and care for the environment is important or very important (down from 46% in 2021), 30% care about whether a business is locally owned (down from 37% in 2021), and 24% value its social responsibility (down from 31%). 15% of women value female-owned businesses.

Also on this page: Detailed statistics | Get tailored reports I How to better serve solo female travelers

Detailed Solo Female Travel Survey Results – Analysis and Statistics

In this section, you will find detailed solo female travel statistics, analysis, graphs and insights. You can scroll to the bottom to find details of the methodology and the respondents.

1. Traveling solo is a choice not necessarily a lifestyle

For the majority of women, solo travel is just another way to travel.

They may go on some trips by themselves and on others with their friends, partner or family depending on many things such as the kind of trip, the availability of others to travel, etc.

If they want to visit a place and plans do not align with friends or family, women are increasingly simply setting off on their own instead of staying home or postponing their travel plans until they find a travel partner.

Women understand the many benefits that solo travel brings and are not waiting for others to reap them.

This is especially true for Gen X who don’t have children and want to continue traveling despite their social circle has shrunk.

Social media influencers on Instagram and TikTok have greatly contributed to dispelling various travel myths about traveling and solo traveling in particular.

“[The travel industry should] Acknowledge us as a legitimate and important category of traveller like they recognise and cater for business travellers and families”

Findings / Key Insights

  • Only 28% of respondents indicated they only traveled solo in the last 12 months, up from 22% in 2021.
  • The majority of solo female travelers combine various travel styles and companions depending on the destination and type of trip. Women traveling solo may go on a road trip with friends, a romanic getaway with a partner or on a self-care retreat on their own.
  • 21% joined a small group trip in the last 12 months, either alone (17%) or with friends and family, recovering to 2019 pre-pandemic group travel levels.

2. Interest in group travel remains high

The pandemic made independent travel much more complicated by requiring the need to stay up to date with border controls and COVID restrictions. Travel professionals and group tour companies helped navigate this reality in 2020 and 2021 by providing up to date, first hand information.

In 2022, group travel has decreased in interest from the pandemic’s peak but remains an important source of peace of mind for solo travelers to go on their first trip within the safety and convenience of a group.

Findings / Key Insights

  • Over 50% of the respondents said they were interested in traveling with a group, either mixed or women-only.
  • Lack of interest in group travel has decreased from 14% to 8% vs. 2021.
  • 96% Women who have never traveled solo before would be more likely to do so on a group tour.

3. No partner, no problem

Women travel solo for a variety of reasons, but not having a travel partner is only true for half of the respondents.

“I wish society made us feel more comfortable. It’s like we are some black sheep who couldn’t get people to go with us so we HAD to go alone instead of choosing to go alone.”

Traveling solo is the easiest and most straightforward way to go on a bucket list trip without a travel partner. We also see a growing trend for women to seek travel buddies online via Facebook groups exclusively set up for this purpose, or via various travel apps.

Findings / Key Insights

  • 87% of respondents agree that they travel solo because of the flexibility it affords. Millennial and Gen Z agree more than the rest with this (89% and 92% respectively).
  • 86% of respondents travel solo to get away from routine and day to day responsibilities. This is particularly true of Millennials and Gen X.
  • 79% of respondents seek to challenge themselves, a key benefit of solo travel. For Gen Z, this is the second reason to travel solo with 90% agreeing, versus only 66% of Boomers.
  • 79% travel on their own to relax. Travel is one of the best ways to spend a vacation, re-energize and recharge, and solo travel gives that extra layer of quietness that does not depend on others.
  • 69% travel to connect with locals. There are differences by age. Millennials are the least interested in this (67%).
  • 90% of Gen Z travel to challenge themselves and push their boundaries.

“Ask less questions and/or stop feeling sorry about solo travelers “imposed sadness”. We are not sad, we are not lonely, we are not looking for partners, we just want to travel!”

  • No partner, no problem! Women are not letting the lack of company stop them from traveling. 53% said they travel solo because their partner is not interested in the trip or because they cannot find a travel companion with a similar vacation schedule.
  • 38% travel solo to heal from a major life transition. A change of scenery or getting away from the environment that may remind us of a traumatic experience is one of the many ways to cope with it. This is especially true for Millennials (41%).
  • Volunteering abroad has increased in popularity since 2021. 28% of the respondents say they travel solo to volunteer for a cause. This is true for all age groups. Voluntourism is a growing trend.

4. Changing border restrictions no longer worries solo female travelers; Safety remains no.1 concern

Fears related to COVID have now reduced significantly vis-a-vis 2021 and given way to the rest of the structural worries of women traveling solo.

Concerns over safety are unique to the female experience regardless of how experienced a solo traveler is and have remained stable in the three years since we started conducting the survey.

Findings / Key Insights

  • 64% of respondents worry about their safety when traveling solo.
  • Experience solo traveling reduces the safety concern. 75% of travelers with fewer than 6 solo trips worry about safety vs. 53% of those who have traveled solo more than 10 times.
  • Beyond safety, solo female travelers most worry about the higher costs of traveling solo (59%) due to the lack of a travel partner to share costs with. Travel saving hacks and free accommodation options via work exchanges, home swaps and alike are fast growing in popularity.

“Eliminate solo travelers supplements and reduce prices for single rooms / female only dorms”

  • Safety is also a barrier for women to go on a solo trip. 69% of women who haven’t traveled on their own yet cite the fear of something happening to them as the reason for not doing it.
  • More safety measures remains the number one request from solo female travelers to the travel industry. 27% of the respondents mentioned this in the unprompted question: “How can the travel industry help solo female travelers?”
  • All concerns women have when traveling solo decrease with experience.

5. Small group trips can help women go on their first solo trip

“I actually just wish my family and friends were more supportive. Any resistance I get always comes from someone closer to home.”

Traveling solo as a woman faces a lot of stigma and is subject to the opinions of many. Some do not know this is a possible travel style, others need permission from those around them.

In order to complement our research, we also drew a sample of 1,100 responses from women who have yet to travel solo and we asked them what is stopping them from booking their first solo trip.

Findings / Key Insights

Women who have not traveled solo yet also worry about safety (69%), but there are also a range of other barriers stopping them from booking their first solo trip. 

  • 65% said they can’t afford the higher price, 50% worry about getting lost, 48% worry about not having anyone to share the special moments of travel with (up from 41% in 2021), 46% mentioned the fear of feeling lonely (up from 38%), or language barriers (42%).
  • Society’s expectations on women also prevent them from traveling solo; 20% said their partner is against them traveling alone, 24% indicated they would feel guilty leaving their family or husband behind (up from 18% in 2021). 8% said their community is against it.
  • 96% of women who have never traveled solo would be more likely to do so in a women-only small group trip, up from 68% in 2021. Travel groups are a growing trend helping many women book their first solo trip.
  • Between 18% and 23% did not know solo travel was an option for them. This is an opportunity for the travel industry to promote a new travel style and expand their addressable market.

6. The ideal first-time solo travel destination is your own country or Europe

Solo female travelers should go on their first solo trip to either Europe or within their country of origin, where the culture shock is lower (same country, language, similar culture and traditions, etc.) and a lot of uncertainty is reduced.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice for a first solo trip and each traveler should consider their own personal circumstances when deciding.  

Findings / Key Insights

  • 18% of solo female travelers recommend their country of origin as the best destination for a first time solo trip.
  • 54% of solo female travelers recommend Europe as the ideal first time solo travel destination for women.
  • The top countries for solo female travelers are the UK, Spain, Italy, Thailand, and Portugal, be it because:
    • They are major tourism destinations.
    • They offer high levels of safety.
    • They have great tourism infrastructure.
    • They are affordable.
    • They have friendly locals.
    • They see a constant stream of solo travelers to beat loneliness and boredom.
  • After another year of partial border closures, Asia-Pacific destinations remain out of respondents top of mind.
  • Women who haven’t traveled solo yet have Italy, Greece, France, UK and Japan on their list for a first solo travel destination.

7. Friends & Family and SFT online communities are the most trusted sources of advice. Influencers are not trustworthy

When planning a solo trip as a woman, getting trustworthy and relevant advice is critical and can make or break a trip, especially when it comes to safety tips and recommendations for things to do or places to stay.

Recommendations from Solo Female Travelers Facebook groups are most trustworthy, in 2022, they have overtaken Friends and family in all age groups except for Boomers.

Context and relatability matter, and solo female travelers want to hear from other women who travel solo within the safe environment of an online community of like minded individuals.

Facebook groups for women traveling solo have sprouted online catering to various age ranges and ethnicities.

This reinforces the previous finding that safety is a multi-faceted issue and women traveling solo demand reliable, accurate and actionable safety data from a relevant source and the practical tools to keep themselves safe.

“I don’t trust the beautiful Instagram photos or collaboration ads on social media. I would like to trust influencers but they don’t share the true story.”

Recommendations and advice from Influencers are mostly distrusted, especially by Boomers and Gen X. They could remain a source of inspiration but they are more distrusted than they are trusted, and this is true across all age groups.

Findings / Key Insights

  • Solo female travelers trust relatable (with solo travel experience), reliable (honest) and relevant (like them) sources. Friends and family, solo female travelers, online review sites and blogs are most trusted.
  • Influencers are considered less trustworthy than the brands who hire them. Influencers, Instagrammers, YouTubers and other content creators have very low trust levels with more than a third of respondents considering them trustworthy or very trustworthy sources (up from 25% in 2021). This is a lower level of trust than enjoyed by travel brands’ social media networks (21%).
  • Levels of trust towards Influencers, Instagrammers, YouTubers and other content creators have steadily increased in the last three years from 23% in 2020 to 25% in 2021 and 31% in 2022.
  • Online and TV ads are not trusted by solo female travelers with over 51% of respondents considering them as untrustworthy sources (up from 40% in 2021).
  • Government travel advisories are trusted by 55% of respondents with large variations by age groups. Boomers trust them the most (64%) while Millennials are ambivalent (50%).
  • Millennials and Gen Z trust online channels, particularly Facebook groups, followed by Online review sites and blogs. However, they are weary of travel agents.
  • Boomers are skeptical of online marketing channels but 54% trust travel agents and 64% Government travel advisories.

8. Solo Female Travelers dream of places far away and exotic

The bucket list destinations remains largely similar year after year with some small variations in the order.

In this year’s survey, Iceland overtakes Greece which loses some top of mind after two years in the list of most coveted bucket list destinations. Iceland’s early removal of COVID restrictions and significant tourism push coupled with its year-round appeal, make it a great destination.

Findings / Key Insights

  • Top countries on Solo Female Travelers bucket lists include Iceland, Australia, Japan, Italy, Greece. Italy is no longer no.1 across all age groups. Greece remains at the top of Gen X (instead of Gen Z) and Iceland for Gen Z and Millennials. Boomers prefer Italy.
  • The traveler’s nationality determines the bucket list, with most respondents favoring places that are farther away from home, except for Iceland that is a top bucket list for all nationalities, even European.

Join our women-only group trips to Iceland, Amalfi Coast, Venice, Tuscany or Greece Island-hopping and meet likeminded women with a passion for travel.

9. Women traveling solo choose destinations based on their culture, their safety, their beauty and their affordability

When choosing a destination, solo female travelers look at several decision factors, from culture to nature, beauty, safety, affordability, food, seasonality, accessibility and friendliness of the locals.

Shopping or IG photo opportunities are not relevant to the vast majority of women when deciding where to go.

The top-5 decision factors remain unchanged from 2021.

Judy: “Do away with single-person fee supplements. Make it an incentive for companies who advocate and accommodate solo female travelers”

Findings / Key Insights

  • 77% of women traveling solo find the local culture extremely important or very important when deciding on a trip, followed by 69% who look for a beautiful destination.
  • Safety at the destination or its crime rate comes up again as an important decision factor when choosing a solo travel destination for 63% of respondents.
  • The local cuisine is a decision factor for 60% of respondents.
  • 57% of respondents said they care about a country’s reputation, its human and social rights track record and the way it treats women. This shows that solo female travelers are aware of social justice issues and will consider whether a destination aligns with their values when deciding where to go.
  • 30% of respondents consider COVID restrictions when picking a destination, down from 57% in 2021.
  • Availability of small group tours is important for 24% of respondents.

“I wish the travel industry wouldn’t glorify solo travel in certain countries in the name of female empowerment and in the process, make certain places appear more safe than they actually are.”

10. Solo Female Travelers are interested in cultural activities and immersion, the outdoors, the beach and adventure activities

Solo travel for women is a growing trend and with that, the types of women traveling solo have also expanded to include women from all walks of life, all age groups, all backgrounds, all nationalities and all ethnicities.

Stereotypes around wellness and spa days or shopping are no longer representative of the average solo female traveler who is looking for many different things and travels for a variety of reasons.

“I wish the travel industry would realise that all women don’t really want shopping and prettiness every step of the way.”

Responses to our survey also reflect this diversity; while culture and nature come up on top, there is then a long list of activities women love doing when traveling on their own.

This opens up the space to travel and tourism businesses to offer something unique to each of the subgroups and illustrates that fact that there are not only various sub-segments within the solo female travel niche, but there are also many types of trips women who travel solo embark on.

Findings / Key Insights

“Films stigmatize women that travel alone as being broken and NEED to get away to be fixed such as “The Holiday,” “Wild,” “Eat, Pray, Love” “Under the Tuscan Sun…” Women can be adventurous and curious and explorers and don’t always have to have a reason for it.”

  • The segment is not homogeneous and there are a wide range of activities women traveling solo are interested in partaking in.
  • 74% of solo female travelers are interested in cultural sightseeing and activities that involve cultural immersion, followed by nature and wildlife.
  • Going to the beach and adventurous activities are of interest to at least 50% of the solo female travelers.
  • Volunteering or helping out is an emerging interest for women traveling solo. Younger solo female travelers are most keen on traveling with a purpose. Many companies offer volunteering opportunities with varying degrees of impact and ethical considerations.

11. Price drives travel decisions

Findings / Key Insights

“I wish the travel industry promoted women owned hostels, hotels, etc.”

  • When choosing a travel provider, price is important to 60% of solo female travelers and saving for travel is one of the most discussed topics in our online community. However, that also means 40% said that price was not that important to their decision.
  • Beyond price, women really care about a business’ impact on the environment and its eco-friendliness and 37% said it was important or very important. This is particularly true for Gen X women.
  • A business’ ownership is a relevant decision factor for solo female travelers and 35% said they find local ownership important while 16% look for female owned businesses.
  • Women also care about about a travel provider’s social impact (26%) and whether it participates in projects or contributes to charities that have a positive impact on the society they operate in.
  • There are also elements that do not factor into solo female travelers decision and those are whether the brand is recognizable and whether the business has an affinity with them (same religion, same beliefs, same ethnicity).
  • We see relevant importance (16%) placed on whether a business is female-owned, and expect this to be a growing trend as more women become aware of the female gap in the travel industry’s senior positions and their ability to have an impact.

Also on this page: Detailed statistics | Get tailored reports I How to better serve solo female travelers

Solo female travel statistics – Wishes and requests

We asked our survey respondents to tell us how the travel industry can do to better support them:

  • 27% wants the travel industry to help them stay safer when traveling solo.
  • 16% wants the travel industry to scrap the single supplements, or the higher cost associated with not having someone to share a trip with.
  • 12% would like women only travel offers / products / services. They want to support female led business, and also feel safer with another woman instead of a man guiding them, driving them, picking them at the airport, etc.

“A phone service for female solo travelers to contact anytime for anything. Like if we get lost or we needed someone to translate for us.”

  • 9% asks for solo travel to be normalised and de-stigmatised. At the same time, they also want for the travel industry to encourage it more, beyond stereotypes, making it more accessible.

With solo travel on the rise and women at the forefront of this trend, travel companies who capture this opportunity early, by focusing on the needs and wants of this segment and their pain points, will unlock the next big opportunity in travel.

Improve safety

The topic of safety is a very complex topic but helping women stay safe when they travel starts with providing accurate data on the risks so they can prepare with tools such as our Solo Female Travel Safety Index or our Safety Tips.

It also requires hospitality staff to be trained to better serve women traveling solo and give them adequate advice and support that is tailored to their needs.

Lastly, it requires institutional support.

The travel industry often ignores and hides the real safety concerns of a destination especially for women, putting many in danger; it’s time for the travel industry to be honest and realistic.

“Be more intersectional. Safety information is usually for white able-bodied cis-women. This can be very excluding for many women (WOC/Black women, trans women, women with disabilities etc.).”

Single supplements

Single supplements are the bane of solo travelers.

The travel industry’s historical pricing quotes trip offers, rooms and cruise ship cabins on a per person sharing basis and charges solo travelers a single supplement that is often twice the sharing rate.

Have better solo supplements. If you’re going to pay more, just add in something to make you feel you’re not just paying extra for nothing.

We price all our group tours on a per person basis and pair travelers so they don’t have to upgrade to a single room if they don’t want to, and more travel companies should follow suit.

Our single room upgrades are a fraction of the full price and simply account for the cost of the extra room which is the only additional cost of travelers not having a companion to share a room with.

Other complaints include women-only hostel rooms being priced higher than mixed dorms, and other pricing approaches that penalise solo travelers such as tours and activities having a minimum of 2 people to go ahead.

This year, in addition to the general complaint with regards to single supplements, we have also observed a new trend: Respondents asking for solo travel specific offers, that is, a discount for those traveling on their own.

De-stigmatise solo travel

It’s time the travel industry normalises solo travel, especially since 76% of travelers have been or are considering going on a solo trip.

Solo travel is not niche, it is mainstream, the travel industry marketing materials need to catch up with the reality and start showing realistic solo travelers as much as they show couples and families to encourage more solo travelers and make them feel that they don’t need to wait for a travel partner to set off.

To date, most promotion has come from social media influencers and posts of women traveling on their own.

It’s time to make it the general travel trend it is by institutionalise it as part of brand’s travel campaigns.

“Market solo tours for women as an acceptable choice…where are the adverts on tv of sassy independent women getting out there solo and exploring the world? The media needs to show us this to make it more acceptable.”

Provide products designed for women who travel solo

Just like products are designed for families and couples, women traveling solo have their own needs and wants as illustrated in our survey results.

The industry needs to better understand what women traveling solo need, and adapt their offer accordingly, rather than making assumptions based on incomplete or incorrect data.

“I’d like to see ‘Great for solo travellers’ as a search option on travel sites in the same way they list short breaks, beach escapes, adventure holidays etc.”

This survey was created to provide the travel industry with specific data to better serve us and should be the basis for defining a solo women traveler specific offer.

This includes offering the wrong product or neglecting the specific needs and worries of women traveling alone by basing them on the needs of women who haven’t traveled solo, on the advice of men, or the needs of families.

Train travel staff to support solo female travelers

Our group members often report hospitality staff commenting on the fact that they are alone with “Is it just you?”, “Don’t you have friends?” or “Where is your husband”, observations that perpetuate the notion that a solo traveler is incomplete and that travel is an activity done in pairs or as a group.

“Create more services that are safer for women, specially in terms of transportation with certified drivers for example, and have staff trained to help and provide advice for female solo travels in terms of dos and don’ts”

Besides the stereotyping and uncomfortable situations, this neglects the implications of such comments on the safety or needs of solo female travelers.

Instead, travel businesses should train staff to be more conscious of solo female travelers needs. For example:

  • Avoid language or behavior that could unintentionally make women travelers uncomfortable.
  • How to spot solo female travelers in distress and offer sensitive help.
  • Take note of details that could put female travelers in danger such as announcing their room number out loud at check in or at the breakfast room.
  • Assigning rooms that are safer, such as those without direct window access to the street, far away from emergency exists or on ground floors.
  • Provide solo women travelers specific advice such as safe / unsafe areas, the hotel’s telephone number in case of emergency, recommendations for getting around, common local scams or safety tips.
  • Know how to deal with sensitive situations such as what to do if a guest reports an incident.

Who participated in the Solo Female Travel Survey

Respondents were split between women who had traveled solo (approximately 3,000 responses) and those who had not traveled solo yet (approximately 1,100 responses), and each was asked to fill a unique list of questions, with the objective to:

  1. Provide the travel industry with accurate, updated and detailed solo travel insights, specifically of the needs, preferences, behaviors and challenges of solo female travelers;
  1. Shed more light into the attitudes of solo female travelers across the world, globally and by region, age group and experience solo traveling, towards marketing efforts, travel providers and destinations.
  1. Understand the travel preferences of solo female travelers and help the travel industry make data-based decisions on product launches, product details and pricing with solo travel statistics and facts.

How We Can Help You: Our Services

Are you looking to better tailor your offer to Solo Female Travelers? Do you want to better understand this segment to adapt your offer? Are you a hospitality leader who wants to train their team to be more aware of the needs and challenges of women who travel solo?

Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you with in-depth data or with our in-depth expertise.

1 Request a bespoke report

Have a query that our published statistics didn’t cover? Would you like a tailored report looking at a specific solo female traveler segment?

Contact us to request a bespoke report, cutting / segmenting the data in a way that makes a difference to you. Click here to view a list of our variables.

2 Learn how to serve solo female travelers

We provide consultancy services on how your business can better serve / cater to Solo Female Travelers, based on our annual survey insights and our 20+ years of experience as solo travelers and as leaders in the community.

Learn how to adapt and enhance your product to perfectly suit the type of solo female traveler you want to target.

3 Staff training for Female Travelers

We provide corporate and staff training to equip your employees with the knowledge and skills to properly serve Solo Female Travelers.

We offer a range of learning options and can help you adapt your guest welcome processes or your concierge service.

Previous year’s reports

Read the 2020 Solo Female Travel Survey results here and the 2021 report here.

Copyright Notice & Disclaimer

Solo Female Travel Trends is a publication of Solo Female Travelers. Reproduction of this page / report without express permission is not allowed, except in the case of brief quotation. To quote or reference the survey results, it must be accompanied by a link back to this page as the original source.

This article contains information about Solo Female Travel. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. There are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the information provided. We do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the use of guidance in the report will lead to any particular outcome or result. The authors do not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption due to use (or misuse) of information, conclusions and insights.